Monday, May 07, 2007

I'm no prude, but...

Something has seriously gone astray after my generation, and even LB's generation, grew into adulthood. And, please, don't come at me with the bullshit excuses about TV, movies, books, music, videos, marketing or any of the other bullshit parents and critics like to throw about because they are too *&^%(*& lazy to take proper responsibility themselves.

Witness my last week driving TC to school. This morning, H-O-T young lady walking up the road, deep V-neck exposing a hint of D-cup sized bosoms, fitted to the waist and a jean skirt with that look like the hem was ripped out and I believe high heels.

She was going to high school!!! This would be the public school down the street from TC's Catholic high school. Over the last week, I noticed (how can one not?!?!) all manner of young ladies in the later grades, on their way into the school, in shorts that I would say had more to do with the beach that comfortable learning attire. Ladies know what I am talking about when I say "nanny riders". Added to the shorts are sandals and an assortment of too tight, too short, too clingy, too see-through or all of the above type tops. Did I mention that most of these young girls are getting out of their parents' cars? In this cultural climate, WHY would you promote that? Is it because you think you daughter is hot and you are living vicariously through her now that your old ass is not?

I remember once that a girl in my elementary school, who had blossomed ahead of all but another girl, that was sent home to change when she came in a tube top that she had to constantly be pulling up so as to not give everyone a show. In high school, it was a constant battle between the administration and the students over the uniform as the girls would roll the waist, pin the hem, or (as a number of my friends did) simply flaunt the rules and cut the kilt up to "there"! The difference then is that in my time, they had no problem sending your ass to change into something else or to call your folks to send you home to change.

I look at the so-called "uniforms" that TC's classmates where and there are no rules in that school. If a girl is getting out of a vehicle and the kilt is barely touching the site as she sits IT IS TOO F**KING SHORT!! Again, she is leaving the vehicle her dumbass parents are dropping her in. TC wears a different colour pants or is dressed down and I am on her like white on rice. What is wrong with these parents today?!?!? Another girl, you can see what she is thinking no matter what direction you view her from because everything she is wearing is short, open or tight. Another one has not a stitch on her that is official uniform wear. By the school charter, she should be sent home, yet they come and go as if nothing is amiss.

And with it being an all girls school, I think a testosterone sensor should be on everycorner of the property. There is the all boys school down the street so naturally, they gravitate over to where the girls are like bees to the flower. Some of the girls are more venus fly trap, a lot of them are giant sunflowers. You just want to get out of the car and slap them all. One thing I will say for the boys though is that they steer clear of vehicles with fathers in them. Smart boys. Don't want to be losing your bollocks so early in life.

Anyhow, DW will tell you that I will look with the best of them and I will do what it takes to see hers on a regular basis. I just don't think under 18 girls need to be displaying their wares like this when they should be concentrating on getting a good education and being all that they can and want to be. Fellow fathers, as Chris Rock said, our job is to keep our daughters OFF the pole. At least until they can make that career CHOICE later on in their adult life when I will do my utmost to finance them one fiver at a time.


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