Friday, May 06, 2005

Laura Bee Designs - Photo Purses & Accessories - Laura Bee Design Handmade handbags and accessories

Inspired by today's Dr. Phil's Mother Day extravanganza. Ahem, I hope a certain set of horsemen are paying attention. :)

Laura Bee Designs - Photo Purses & Accessories - Laura Bee Design Handmade handbags and accessories


Kristin said...

completely unrelated comment, but didn't want it lost in the..err shuffle.

The iTunes software that came with my Shuffle, completely went whacko with Server 2000 and now that machine has to be reformatted. Thankfully, I filled the shuffle with the best of the 2000 songs before the software went bubeye

Penny said...

another completely unrelated comment, but I just tagged you.

Check out my blog

Sorry about that, chief.