Monday, November 14, 2005

CANOE -- JAM! - Depp says treatment of Moss 'unforgivable'

I have two thoughts to this. I will start with the simplest. I empathize with Ms. Moss and the fact that her "problem" was spalshed around the world to great fanfare when people who have done much worse have not gotten raked over the coals. Ok, now that that is complete, let's deal with some reality shall we?

If you or I were caught doing what she did, we would be reading and writing blogs from the inside of a jail cell. We would have lost our job, our friends, our family. We would have a record for the rest of our life. In short, we would be treated like real people get treated.

I guess that is where things differ and go awry, isn't it? Celebrity is beyond reality, above it all. Maybe that is why we tend to revel in their obvious, public and very long fall from grace when those poor human frailties let them down. I appreciate Mr. Depp's loyalty, and I am not begrudging Ms. Moss that loyalty. I just don't particularly give a rat's ass when she is back earning in a year what most will not in a lifetime with nary a spot on her record.

Try that in REAL life.


CANOE -- JAM! - Depp says treatment of Moss 'unforgivable'

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