Sunday, November 13, 2005

Everyone MUST obey and be accountable to the law!

I have pasted below the statement that was released to the media and public by our police chief, William Blair. I fully support the TPS (Toronto Police Services) because I believe that our city is as safe as it is because of them. That said, I abhor the sheer AUDACITY of that asswipe in charge of the Police Association. How do you expect everyday citizens to comply with the law if the rank and file expecting that of them do not follow it themselves. This dipshit really wants us to believe that it "principle" or some other stupid assed excuse. How about standing up and admitting that the officers that defied a DIRECT ORDER from their top boss were simply and completely wrong?

If I did that, I would be fired. If an armed forces person did so, they would be put in the stockade and possibly court martialled. If a guerilla fighter did so, they would be shot or hung. So why are these goofs believing that they are above the law? This kind of crap needs to be weeded out before we see more Jama Jama and Rodney King incidents being executed by the people who are supposed to be upholding the law.



Statement by Chief William Blair on police disciplinary action arising from rally on November 2, 2005

Sunday, November 13, 2005 - 5:15 PM
Public Information

The following is a statement by Chief William Blair, on police disciplinary action arising from the rally on November 2, 2005:

As the Chief of Police, I have a responsibility to uphold and enforce the rule of law, and to maintain discipline within the Toronto Police Service.

The police uniform and firearm are symbols of legal authority. They cannot be used to advance private interests.

Accordingly, I issued an order that members of the Toronto Police Service were not to attend the rally, held November 2, 2005 at Nathan Phillips Square, while on duty, and that no member attending off duty was to attend armed or in uniform.

I went to extraordinary lengths to ensure that members of the Service were aware of the order. I made it abundantly clear that sanctions would follow for those who chose to defy my order.

I also made it clear that the rule of law cannot be bargained away as part of collective bargaining negotiations.

A relatively small number of officers chose to disobey my order. I immediately directed our Professional Standards Unit to start an investigation to identify those who had engaged in this misconduct. That investigation is now complete.

The Police Services Act and the Toronto Police Service rules provide for discipline for misconduct to be resolved, either at the unit level or, upon conviction, under the Police Services Act Code of Offences. The maximum penalty provided for unit-level disposition is three days’ pay (or 24 hours).

I have today, through the Toronto Police Association, offered that maximum penalty to all members who have been identified as having committed the misconduct of insubordination in disobeying a lawful order. Members accepting this disposition will be assessed the penalty prescribed.

Members identified as having engaged in misconduct, who choose not to accept this disposition, will be charged under the Police Services Act and proceed to a tribunal hearing, where the full range of Police Services Act penalties apply upon conviction.

It is now time to get back to the important business of keeping the City of Toronto safe.

Constable Wendy Drummond, Public Information, for Chief William Blair

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