Tuesday, August 29, 2006

I'd be out of a job if not for stupid people

As you all know, I abhor ignorant people. I realize this encompasses a broad spectrum based on one's tolerance and values. Suffice it to say at the top of the heap are stupid people who show themselves off to be smart.

Now, just about anyone who knows me will tell you I am an arrogant prick most times. The reason for this is not deliberate but rather I am very rigid, very determined when I absolutely know that I am right; more so if you dared to challenge that notion. Now, DW will balk at this but, I have something upwards of a 98%+ rating in that department where we are concerned. She knows it, I know it and now you do. But, DW is not in this group of folks.

Instead, last night I run across at least the fourth example of someone who is supposed to know more than me and yet does not exhibit those qualities at all. I cannot get into details for obvious reasons (i.e. want to keep my job) but I can say that anyone making the BIG bucks for being an IT manager/director/whatever, had better not have HUB disease and be able to walk the line. When someone of my junior, relatively knowledgeless stature can tell you it is in your bloody network, something is wrong with the hierarchy (and consequently my paycheque). For the fourth bloody time I had to sit on a conf call for hours only to prove what we said from the outset: It's not us, it's you.

People, just accept the fact that we are always right and more on. There. Does that not feel much better?



Bat-Rider said...

Sings like a duck, swims like a duck, eats like a duck, poops like duck but yet....it is a turtle you know ;0)

Shhhh.... be verry verry quiet I am hunting turtle, can you keep up??

Anonymous said...

I hear ya, D. I see deal with them every day. The best one was when I asked the **NETWORK ADMIN** if he knew what ssh was and then had to explain it to him. This guy was probably being paid about 4 times as much as me and managing major corp networks. One of my colleagues was on the floor laughing up a few body parts.