Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Do you have an older (compatible) music player?

Like with all technology, there is always a newer, shinier model around the corner.  So, what happens to the older model?  Sometimes this becomes a hand me down, sometimes it is donated, sometimes it is sold.  Well, now you have another option.  Sometimes you can continue playing with it in a new, sometimes more improved way.  It has long been known that you can run Linux on just about everything, including an iPod.  Well, not as well know is that you can get replacement, typically open-source firmware for certain devices that turn on or add functionality that was not available to you before.

Rockbox does exactly that for music and video players.  It adds format compatibility, equalizer settings and other goodies that the manufacturer simply chose not to add into the original release.  As with anything, BEWARE to do this on a device you use regularly as sometimes things go wrong and you can end up bricking the unit.  That is why it is best to try it on an older machine that you may not need or use.  If something goes wrong, ah well; at least you tried.  If it works out, then you have breathed some new life into a dusty unit that was sitting on a shelf.


Rockbox - Open Source Jukebox Firmware

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