Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Another interesting site to let off steam.

I have to say, in the gand scheme of things, I have been extremely lucky (blessed even) to have the privilege of NOT having too many asswipe bosses. Mind you, I could name a couple from over the years (Dan at the 7-11, this goof at Sketchley's and a clueless lawyer whose secretary was incompetent and taking advantage of them). I can also name a few that have been incredible. I had a fair boss at Sears, when I was driving courier (wanted me back twice), in the store at 7-11, my present one and my friend, three-time dictator, Skibum. So, i don't have any immediate complaints about my immediate superiors; I'll leave anything above that for someone else to rant about. ;-)

Enjoy this link with a grain of salt because there are always three sides of a story; yours, theirs and the truth.


Incompetent Abusive Boss Gets Promoted - iWorkWithFools.com - Anonymously Share Work Related Stories

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