Monday, February 06, 2006

It's not suicide and it is not a game to play!!

ABC News: Choking Game Is Deadly Child's Play


~ ~ ~ ~ ~ said...

Kids think nothing will hurt them - this is not a drug - just one time, etc. My son was one of them. He was only 16. He was a "good kid". He would have never tried drugs. He loved life - loved his 9 siblings - and most of all loved God. He had compassion for people. But, he learned of a game - this game he lost - lost his life. He tried the "choking game". His 11 year old brother found him hanging. His 15 year old brother cut him down. We are just past a year since his death, and it's still very hard. This game is dangerous, foolish, and mostly likely WILL cause death.

I am hoping my son's death, can save a life - maybe your child's, or your friend's child.

Matthew's Story
Journaling through the Valley Blog

Dtrini said...

I hope that parents will take it saeriously and to start looking carefully for the signs that their child is playing it.