Friday, February 03, 2006

A Record-Setting Scorer Wants to Be Just Like Kobe - New York Times

You know, contrary to what dumbass Vince Carter thinks, Kobe's 81 point game does not mean every player is going to want to pad his or her own stats to the detriment of the team. That said, it does say something about the level or parity in the lower leagues when games like this are even possible. Should she have done it? Hell yes. If everything you put up goes in, why the hell should you stop shooting? As long as coaches allow this type of thing to happen as an anomaly and not the norm, I see absolutely nothing wrong with it.

Oh the lighter side of things, I had to laugh when I read the article and saw that she was mimicing Kobe in more ways than one and not necessarily in the areas she really should be.

Here are two more articles on this record setting performance:
Newsday article

Newsday article 2


A Record-Setting Scorer Wants to Be Just Like Kobe - New York Times

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