I put this here as a placeholder for now so that I do not forget to deal with it. As a quick overview, anyone that knows me knows I detest ignorance. I read this article to see what rhetoric Billy would be spouting this time. As usual, it was te normal back and forth between competing companies (though I will touch more on that shortly). What really got me was the crap being spewed in the comments below the article. I am used to reading the usual suspects rants back and forth from unintelligent and uniformed parties. This time however, I found myself getting angry at the simple baseless lies and false information and opinion being given out. Yes, please do not point out to be that an opinion cannot be "false" by its very nature. I consider it as such when the foundation on which it is being made is false. I am writing this post on a Dell laptop with Microsoft Windows XP Professional installed on it. To my right sits an Apple Mac Mini (PPC-generation) that I used for work items (it has been replaced with a new Intel-based unit, and I am sooo jealous of BB for getting it). Unlike a lot of the posters, I have the ability to compare the two units and their core OS directly. I will do so this week and append it to this paragraph. Right now, I must go help my wife prepare the house for our annual Superbowl gathering.
DailyTech - Bill Gates Speaks on Windows, Criticizes Mac Ads
DailyTech - Bill Gates Speaks on Windows, Criticizes Mac Ads
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