Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Don't worry, I already checked all your names.

I was afraid that posting this link to the Manhaters.com site might make a few gents nervous due to past transgressions. So, as a public service to my loyal male following, I checked all your names first and everyone, including myself, came up clean. It is still an interesting read though and a much better concept that those stupid books.

The caveat, of course, is that you leave yourself open to the whims of a pissed off woman. Let me tell you, hell does have no fury liek a woman scorned. So, I would take any ratings with a grain of salt. Multiple negative ratings from different women about the same guy and you definitely want to avoid him like the plague or risk ending up on a Springer show explaining why you are still with him after he slept with you, your sisters, your mother and your cousin, while laying dibs on daddy dearest.


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