Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Just another article on the sickness of the teacher-student affair

See, there are some things that still should be dealt with in the old way. Do you have any idea what would have happened to her ass back in Trinidad or almost anywhere else in the Caribbean or the rest of the World? Sometime old world justice is a better deterrent than letting these people go on talk shows and sign book deals and get rich from the victims' pain.

I think this is going to spark yet another controversial topic that is close to my heart; the justice system and capital punishment. I will throw in some comments about the current Youth Act as well. For now, I leave you with the request that you be ever diligent to evil and do not be complacent in the victimize of an innocent person near you. DON'T be a bystander!


American teacher who raped student leaves jail: "s"

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