Wednesday, January 24, 2007

The "how would I have known?" defence. Pathetic.

I am not about to pretend that TC has been an absolute angel and has never attempted (and succeeded to some extent) to pull the proverbial wool over our eyes. The difference between us and this story is that it eventually catches up with everyone. We may have been distracted but it only takes one thing out of place to refocus our eyes on the issue at hand (think Sauron in Lord of the Rings as he gaze out over all the orcs). Once refocussed, we are like bloodhounds and all secrets are soon revealed on a time-line of out choosing. Simply put, there was no way a gun was going to be in our house for any extended period of time without us knowing about it. Further, unlike these gonad-less excuse of parents, we would be sure to march her ass right into the police station with it. There is always a line where you stop protecting your child and ours would be if someone else's child was in danger. We would stupidly hope that their parents would do the same but we are not that naive. Anyhow, she may not have known the friend had a gun on him but working multiple jobs is a lousy excuse for not knowing what he has been up to. no one talks in those neighbourhoods; I know because I grew up in one at Victoria Park and Finch. Fear is what rules the place. BUT, when you have the eyes on your community and the police force in droves to help protect it, that is when you take advantage and strike at those causing the fear.

Unless, of course, you are benefiting too greatly from the status quo to want change. Think about it.

Ciao. - News - Evictions target families of gang members

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