Monday, April 04, 2005

A new way of doing things.

Hello folks, just wistful me again. After I finished the previous post, DW asks me what is wrong. I sigh and reply, "Nothing" to which she rightfully responds "Liar." I admit there may be something but she can read it in my blog. Now, I know you are immediately thinking this is strange, right? True, except that there is a simple reason I said that; i was needling her for picking another blog to religiously read besides mine.

Yes folks, I have lost DW to the witty reparte of Idol Rant. I apparently am not as interesting as the sly cuts, the vicious rumours and the sexual fantasies of these two watchers of all things Idol. Maybe it is time to rummage in the basement for the old pair of parachute pants and break into song?

Nah, I am not sure I love her THAT much. ;-)


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