Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Sanctum Sanctorum Defiled!.

I've been good. I've been accommodating. I've been patient. I've even educated. All, it seems to no avail. I now have to resort to this, a public outing, to help restore that which is rightfully mine by nature's decree. I must reclaim the sanctity, the peace and especially the privacy and seclusion that is the lavatory!

As the title of this posts suggests, the lavatory (i.e. toilet, office, lounge, sanctum sanctorum, etc.) is a special place. It is where most men go to not only do their business but also to read up on business. It is where we get to read the papers without someone in the family looking to extract as of yet unread sections from you. It is where single thoughts may be carried out without interruption of another's thoughts, actions, sounds. It is where those magazines that have been piling up can get a proper going through (i.e. I can read MaxmiumPC cover to cover without disruption). It is where all bad habits may be exercised in their entirety without an audience (unless that is the sort of thing that you are into).

I used to basically have all that when we were in the old house. Once in a while, a needed interruption would happen to solve, sort or choose where DW and/or TC was stumped. Lately, however, it has been a free for all and I need to put a stop to it. Now having an ensuite in the master bedroom, I admittedly am more apt to leave the door open since the bedroom door is closed. DW somehow believes that this is an invitation to come speak to me. Uhm, how about, hell no?

Is the house on fire? No. Did someone get grievously hurt? No. Was the vehicle stolen? No. Is someone trying to break in? No. So, what you are saying is that you had nothing to do and this could have waited till I was out? Pretty much.

Oh, but it gets better still. Not only does DW decide that my private time is the best time to speak to me, TC seems to have developed the same lost of direction in the matter. The door is closed for a reason, child. It means that what is on one side of the door is not to disturb what is on the other side of the door unless there is a specific emergency (see examples above). DW also expands the issue from the use of the facilities to also include now the soaking in the tub, and my personal favourite (grrrrrrrr), the taking of the shower.

Now men and women will agree with me here. When one is in the shower, decent water pressure beating down on you, temperature close to unbearable but soothing to your aching soul, lost in a myriad maze of thoughts about the day and what still is left to do before sleep is allowed to overtake you, the last thing you want is to have that interrupted. Well, imagine then that I am the one in that blissful state (HEY, imaginations above the waistline section please) and it is abruptly disrupted by a semi-yelling woman, bursting into the bathroom, bitching and moaning about this idiot ADT saleswoman who seemingly has trouble hearing and understanding the English language when it is saying to "go away" (DW can post her lovely experiences with this woman and several other salespeople). Naturally, quite perturbed, I yell back exactly what I am expected to do in the current state of undress that I am. DW's response that she was not yelling AND that she was simply telling me about it gets me even more upset because my thoughts had reached what was the blissful equivalent of running across the fields to join your lost love while sappy music is playing in the background.

LB will tell you that there was little in life that could piss off our father faster than our mother bothering him to speak to someone on the phone while he was preoccupied. And he also smoked at the time so you know how well that went. Many an argument was started due to that defective female gene that has women disturb men in the office.

So, let's review life as it will be going forward. Unless there is a dire emergency, limbs or lives are at stake, an important decision has to be made due to time constraints, or American Idol is about to start, the inner circle, the sanctum sanctorum, the private office, is off limits while it is in use. Do not disturb my shower. Do not disturb my bubble bath (yes, I enjoy them... smartasses). And for the love of monkeys DO NOT disturb me while I am posting a letter, planting a tree, pinching a loaf, floating a log, spraying the field and/or enriching my mind with deep thought, reading and learning.

OK, I think I have some deep thought to go and "process" now. Ciao.


Dtrini said...

Oh you are on some kind of special crack lady. It has been numerous times where the shower, bath, and office have been interrupted. I am not AWOL in my own house; I am indisposed, occupied, BUSY. And I am not just read, I am shuffling bills, planning my retirement party and figuring out why 42 is the answer.

And TC did not come into the bedroom. She bothered me while I was in the other two "offices".

And it is NOT setting up house. That's so effeminate, not that there's anything wrong with that. :)

wizdom said...

LB here,
for the record, there is NO reason for disturbance, other then those mentioned above (and I must say BB that you have been very generous with the rules)

I can only speak for myself, in that I give my family 110% all the time - my retreat, my office, my 'sanctuary' time is my time... period. Unless one is female, half naked carrying a cocktail, I don't want to see you!

NOT trying to fuel fire here, but BB you have to stand up to this one... if not for yourself think of the precedent you will set if you give in. It is YOUR time DEMAND that it be respected!!!

The real men of the world thnak you ahead of time.

Anonymous said...

Allow me to add my 2 cents.
First of all Dtrini and the LB are ABSOLUTELY CORRECT in demanding this sanctuary.
When a man is in that room there should be no disturbances, none, nada, zip etc.
Like the LB I agree you have given way too many loopholes to this lifelong rule that I believe should be the 11th commandment.
A burning house is about all that justifies intrusion. The fact that you have allowed more shows what a truly enlightened and sensitive fellow you truly are.

I am green with envy for those of you with multiple bathrooms in your homes. When I shower I must leave one of the 2 doors open to accomodate emergency toilet activities by the kids. How many times have I stood in the shower only to have the curtain drawn back and my two year old says "Daddy, what doing?"

Unknown said...

this is not famine but devoide here... you male figures do tend to set up house in the shared office, quite often and for an extended length of time, perhaps you have a medical problem and should get it seen to. It is not yours it belongs to the house and therefore you need to share it. You are worse than a bunch of two year olds not wanting to share. You are not the only ones interrupted can I just say how many times I've been interrupted in the office and I am not referring to the two year old or children under age of majority. Perhaps you should practice what you preach as well. You know.... you dooo it....

wizdom said...

See this is exactly the kind of response that has us defending our throne...

Do we complain we it takes "you" 2 hours to buy one pair of shoes - this of course after you look in 4 different stores at 3 different malls - no we don't complain, because that's your domain. Do we say anything when a simple question like "hey honey, what would you like to eat, do, watch" tonight is met with a 45 min deliberation - no because for the most part we understand. What about when we request that a hot meal be served at exactly 5:30pm and the request is met with, but Oprah...

let me tell you about this OPRAH... sorry, that is for another time >:(

but really... how much do we ask for. Al Bundy was a fictional character but he captured something shared by most men. It is our place... in a weird way, it’s kinda like an in house mini spa... just leave us b... consider it a "gimme" - we love you all lots, but geesh it's a hour retreat, not like we're gone for weeks (not until I can convince my better half that lcd's were designed for specifically for bathroom applications, so as not to use up valuable space)

I cannot condone compromise on this...plain and simple it belongs to us! If this can't be understood, we shall just start sh*ting in shoes stores while you shop.

Penny said...

I'm all for the peace and quiet of the bathroom.

As long as the man respects a woman's needs as well. Some of us love to sit and read/ponder/enjoy the solitude as well.

It may be hard for you to believe, but having children basically negates any time that we have to do this.

I used to let my kids run rampant when the ex was in there simply because he never gave me a moment to catch my breath. I would run a bath, lock the bathroom door and try to relax while two screaming toddlers banged against said door wanting to get in and see Mommy. The clincher was when the ex unlocked the door so they could do so.

My rule is simple: I'll respect your space, you respect mine. If I have to interrupt you, I will weigh it's importance and apologize for interrupting you before introducing the problem.

I don't think there's much of anything to debate here.