Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Is the Penguin Losing a Step?

I have one thought for all these continued naysayers that poo poo the ability of alternate systems to the evil empire's little bloated OS: GET BENT!!

I read this story and thought, "If they converted all the Windows items to Linux, fired all their Windows developers and hired good Linux developers, they would have saved some money in the long run." As it is, some executive goof probably had lunch with some empire goof and struck a deal; it would not have been the first time, that's for certain.

I am obviously, and admittedly, biased for the linux movement. No, I have not dropped Windows like a hot potato but there are many reasons (mainly professional) for that. Basically, I would not be allowed to convert my laptop to anything else. Anyhow, if they want to continue to live in a bubble, let them. There is a wave of change coming and it may be starting with the rumour that Apple will now start to use Intel CPUs in its hardware. If the purists would shut up for a moment, they would understand that this would be a very good thing for all involved.

This would finally mean that there would be a true competitor, on equal footing with the evil empire. It would mean a drop in costs, a better range of available hardware and, most importantly, a green light to software developers to write for common hardware with tweaks to the particular OS. I am surprised though that Apple was not teaming up with AMD, seeing as they have a proven 64-bit CPU in the Athlon Opteron and FX series. I still have to do some reading on the topic so I will have to report back later.


Is the Penguin Losing a Step?

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