Monday, April 30, 2007

Hello all

Much to the chagrin of many, I am sure, I have not disappeared, simply gone on a mini-hiatus. I had so many topics to hit but not everything is fit for printing and I have been a bit lazy at the keyboard, and we had the last two of our main machines decide to act up and die (no, not a virus) and, well, life kept interrupting.

Coming soon:

  • Trials of a wannabe mechanic
  • Trials of a wannabe system/network administrator
  • The niece grows up
  • The Child. Nuff Said.
  • Adventures in Baby Making
  • Ghetto car accessories
  • Television reviews
  • Vista installation review
  • Aging parents
  • The Art of Charity
  • My next upgrade project
  • Mega-Garage sale 2007
  • Pros and Cons of buying a Sony Playstation 3
  • I love Max
  • The state of my industry
  • *&%*(&%* Toronto Sports Teams
and much, much more. Plus, the usual selection of jokes and comments and cartoons.

Oh yeah, stop reading this and go work and/or enjoy the lovely warming weather.




Penny said...

Okay, so I just gotta ask... WHY do you need a PS3? :oP

Dtrini said...

Oh, that's simple to answer. First, because no one else I know has one. Second, it is currently the most advanced gaming console available on the market. Third, it is the second cheapest Blu-ray drive on the market that also happens to have a bonus of being able to do other things. Fourth, one of those other things is the ability to boot into Yellow Dog Linux and be used as a normal computer in the living room. Five, it looks really cool.

That'll do for now but there are more reasons which I will put into the full post. :)

Penny said...

Those are the reasons you WANT a PS3, now can you tell me the reasons you NEED one? LOL!

Just teasing you, hon.

Dtrini said...

I need one to crush the spirits of my wannabe geek family members and friends. I need one to be able to generate enough of The Force to properly hand a dual-blade lightsaber. I need one to be able to effect world peace.

I need one because I want one.

Any more questions? :)