Saturday, January 08, 2005

So the damn dance works! (and other stuff)

Well, Dave got his wish and we received a nice, fluffy snowfall today. Well enjoy it while you can, Calgary Boy, as the forecast is for 9-14C come Wednesday.

Please remember to give some money and/or time to a charity that will help those in great need after the Tsunami disaster. And after you do that, remember from time to time to do that for all those affected by our national disaster of our own making: Poverty. Our homeless, poor and needy is just as deserving. Give them a little support too.

OK, so my geek juices are flowing again (get your mind out of the gutter) due to a recent set of acquisitions. Details are not fit to publish, but suffice it to say, I know have the proper ability and tools to make use of the PIII 550, 2GB ECC Quad monster sitting on our basement bar. It may sound like a small aircraft during flight but it is now going to take the place of three or four machine that would otherwise need to be running. Suhweet mother of pearl, I love multitasking. (Hint: I am not using VMWare but something similar with similar functionality)

Finally today, I must admit defeat in poker last night. Actually, I was spanked, tuned upside down and made to yell "Whose your Daddy?" It was pretty brutal after the tally so those boxed sets are staying right where they are in FS now. :(

Hope you all have a nice weekend and I'll blog at ya later.


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