Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Label me shocked, but not surprised

I guess I am still a bit naive. I guess despite my best efforts, I still have a glimmer of hope in me. I think today, it has finally been stamped out.

After the last World Cup game, there is a wrap-up show on TSN. I was working away on something when the TV caught my attention (it was on Mute at teh time because I had just made a call). It was what was obviously caustic words streaming across in on-screen captioning as they showed what seemed to be a white man with a megaphone paying strong attention to a black goalie on the field. Surely this could not be what I think it is. I am sorry I clicked the colume on to find out.

The story was "racism in soccer" and they went through many examples of where it not only happens, but nothing is done about it by the local police, the soccer club or FIFA itself. Say what you will about us arrogant, uneducated, pompous North Americans; I know for a fact that what I saw would not, CAN NOT be tolerated in our society. Where here in Canada would a group of tatooed skinheads be allowed to carry banners, salute like Hitler, yell racist epithets at the players and throw bananas onto the field at the black players? Well, they do so it Germany and, what was shockingly termed as the most openly racist place on the plantet probably, Spain?!?!

A while back I made the comment that I was ashamed of my Italian heritage because of what seemed to be an acceptable practice of open racism against the darker tourists. Well, i have Spanish and Portugeuse in my bloodline as well and I am even more ashamed of that today. I guess it was very naive to think that because we were all non-white, we had something in common; an "us versus the man" mentaility if you will. I should have known the further away you are from that line of balalnce, the less human some idiot asswipes consider you.

To add insult to injury, the keeper they were highlighting (sorry, I do not have links or names right now) is getting this abuse from HIS OWN FANS. He is a hero and valued as the keeper, but still given sub-human status and they ride him every game, all game long. He finally had enough one game, picked up the ball and threatened to walk off the field and out of the game. So much is the beautiful game truly beautiful by those that cherish it that two players from the OPPOSING side and the referee attempted to persuade him not to leave regardless of what was being said and done.

The beauty of soccer/futbol/football is that it is so universally played. The ugliness is the sorrowful twats that mar the game with their antics (read hooliganism) and the deep seeded racism in these so-called civilized nations. If I can get a copy of the story taped, I will find a way to make it available to everyone that wants to see it.

I have been the brunt of racism while I played the game as a youth and it hurt then. I thought that we had ALL grown up. I have to admit this very rarely (ask DW) but I was wrong. We have not grown up at all. We have simply gotten better at hiding it all. I am truly saddened today. This was a wake up call. I have been very lucky to work and make friends with the wide range of people that I have. I have married into a family that I am truly blessed to be a part of. I live in a bubble and I need to find a way out to help do my part that the next generation does not have to feel what I feel today.


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