Tuesday, May 30, 2006

CANOE -- JAM! - 'Breakfast Club' principal dies

Eventually everyone that you grew up with on TV and the movies will probably die before you. That knowledge does not diminish the loss in any way however. Paul Gleason, an unfamiliar name for sure, cemented himself in the consciousness of any person who gre up in the eighties like myself. In Trading Places, arguably one of Eddie Murphy's funniest movies ever, he was the guy that made life bad for all the main charcters. You loved to hate him but he had some funny lines as well, even while being the tough guy ("no more of your Sweedish meatballs, sister" or something to that effect when confronting Jamie Lee Curtis on the train). While good in this movie, he was the best in The Breakfast Club, the cult and consumer favourite amongst radical and rebellious teens. "I'm Cracking Skulls!", as Judge Nelson mimics him in the background.

Rest in Peace Paul, you will not be forgotten.

CANOE -- JAM! - 'Breakfast Club' principal dies

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