Wednesday, January 24, 2007

And this is why there are two school boards in Toronto.

The Toronto District Catholic School Board did not need some halfwit minister to tell them that cell phones do not belong in the classroom and its use to be regulated in the school. TC's schools, elementary and high, both would confiscate phones that went off during class time. They absolutely were not to be open during tests and exams. Personally, I think it should be strictly enforced that they are not to be used during normal school hours on school grounds period. The office is there for a reason; it always has been and suits its purpose well. If you need to get a non-urgent message to a student, you left one and the student would be called down between periods so as to not disrupt the class. In an emergency, the student would naturally be taken out of class immediately.

Why is it in this modern age that common sense has to be mandated to the masses? People complain about living with Big Brother but we make the need for that Orwellian world necessary when we simply cannot be trusted to do the right thing on our own accord. In many instances, I would rather be safe than private. Put cameras all over the city like they have in London. If I do something stupid on the road that could harm someone else (excluding speeding on an open, empty roadway), then by all means come and nab me. Make surer to capture the bloke breaking into TR as well. Want to watch me go to the mall to shop? Have at it but know there will be hours of footage with me drooling in the Sony Store, Bay Bloor Radio, Future Shop and Best Buy. Want to run facial recognition software at the airport? Have at it but don't pull me out of the line because I "fit the profile"; been there, done that, not a happy camper. You better have a damn good reason for delaying my getting my drink on.

Are there chances of abuse? Absolutely. I do not want Revenue Canada adding up how much I spent and determining that I must have work for an extra $100 under the table because my purchases outweigh my income. I do not want my workplace firing me because they "perceive" me hanging out with a competitor far too often at the sports bar. I don't want me put on a watch list for possible diseases because a known carrier is amongst my group of friends. With great power comes great responsibility and any such measures will have to be properly utilized and then those people policed, and the watchers must also be watched. How ever many levels it takes to ensure the people are protected from abuse.

But with more and more reports of these damn sick people walking into our schools and interfering with innocent children, it is time we stop waiting on these idiot ministers and push for common sense to be acted upon now, NOT when the next convenient election rolls around.


Ontario's education minister says students shouldn't have cellphones on in class - Yahoo! Canada News

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