Wednesday, March 08, 2006

CANOE -- JAM! - Christopher Reeve's widow dies

While comic book fans wait in anticipation of the return (finally) of Superman, arguably the greatest comic book hero ever created, to the theatres, reality forces us to take some time to mourn a tragic passing.

Dana Reeve, the real life "Lois Lane" to her late husband Christopher Reeve's Superman, lost her battle with lung Cancer at the young age of 44. Never having smoked a cigarette in her life, she contracted a more rare form of lung cancer that is hard to detect and even harder to treat once symptoms start showing; eseentially a sign that it is too late. Still, with all of that, Mrs. Reeve never wavered in her husband's mission for more research into spinal injuries (Mr. Reeve was felled with such an injury after an innocent looking horse riding accident).

Mrs. Reeve leaves a 13-year old son that is now fully in the spotlight as he lays orphaned by two incredible parents. Already the "Extras" and "ETs" of the world are shifting their spotlight to him in the common goal of showing how he is doing and how he is coping with all of this. As a child of famous parents, he has had some exposure to the media crush and has done the interviews. But, let us all remember that he is a young teenage child who just lost the second parent before he had a chance to grow up or finish dealing with the death of the first one.

How is he doing? None of our business. Leave him alone and let him grieve.


CANOE -- JAM! - Christopher Reeve's widow dies

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