Monday, March 31, 2008

Uhm, you want to send a Terminator up my ass?

OK, I have a few issues with this one. I will have to suck it up and get this done as colon cancer is a concern in my family tree. However, the whole idea of a robot going up my butt and poking around does not give me the warm and fuzzies. I have watched too many movies where robots choose the most inopportune time to gain self-awareness and then turn around and try to rip their human oppressors a new one.

The other issue, as mentioned in this article, is that anything up my butt is going to be used with the term "adhesives" in its name. Uhm, as much as DW wishes she could permanently plug up the gas-producing orifice that is my rectal aperature, we are not yet ready to take the chance of that actually happening. Mr. Elmer, you and your glue people are not allowed any where near my ass. Thank you.

Robots tapped for colonoscopy work - Cancer-

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