Monday, August 08, 2005

You find ignorance in the most unlikely places.

I went looking for some support because my current BeyondTV setup now seems to want to tape with the sound on, which can be quite annoying. If I hit mute, then EVERYTHING gets muted so that defeats the purpose of having sound. Anyhow, so off I went to the snapstream site to research the answer to my issue. What I stumbled across I could not believe. It seemed to start off as an innocent request, but knowing how things work in America (sorry folks) one cannot think that it will not end up in a bad place. It will take a little while to read through the forum posts but it is worth a read to get an understanding how ideas can seem innocent but get really perverted really quickly (and I do not mean American Pie perverted, I mean twisted).

In a nutshell, a person wanted a way to not only skip commercials, but to skip any sex scenes in a program. Why, oh why, do Americans have this great aversion to sex but it is okay for every one to blow each other away with guns made in a country that loves to make guns? That fact is the perversion in the society, NOT Dennis Franz' ass!!!

Man, I am so tired of these puritan asswipes trying to change the world when if you checked their own little backyard, the skeletons that tumbled forth would bury us all. Have we forgotten Jimmy Swaggart? How about Jim Baker? Both of these men professed being vessels of God, pure believers that wanted to save their wayward flock, missionaries that wanted to clean up the filth of their followers. In the end, they were simply men, and women, that wanted a shortcut to the American (and others) dream of power and wealth and respect. In the end, they lost it all because the house of cards they built up, eventually caved in and crushed those aspirations.

Lecture me when you no longer live in a glass house yourself. Until such a time, F-O-A-D!!!

Nuff said.

SnapStream Media Online Forum - **Smart-Rating** This would really sell BTV !!!

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