Saturday, August 26, 2006

A few random reasons why I (*&^%(*&^%(* hate the TTC!!

Oh you tree-hugging environmentalists. I understand you hate us SUV-driving, gas-guzzling commuters but let me be frank: Kiss My Big Black Ass!! After my experiences of riding the transit system for four days this week, let me just through out a few kudos and some slaps to the head.

- Toronto still has one of the cleanest, best running transit systems in the world.
- The staff are mostly courteous and attentive, helpful and plesant.
- When travelling from the subway station in the burbs to downtown, it can be the easiest, faster method available.
- Realistically, relatively inexpensive in comparison to other large cities.

Kicks to the groin:
- People suck! If it is the don't-feel-like-bathing-this-week group, it is the my-time-is-more-important-than-yours pushers or the is-that-your-foot/rib/bag group.
- People suck! - part deux. What ever happened to understanding about personal space? I understand we are stuck like sardines but does that mean every breast needs to be brushed up on me when I am standing at the door? Do you really need to lean in my general direction that way? Can you find no where else to put your hand ma'am?
- Buses suck! Oh for the love of monkeys I hate being reliant on someone else where my time is concerned. I like my car because I pick up the key, start Betsy up and we are off. I had to wait 20 minutes during rush hour for a bus through our area. Pathetic.
- The system is underwhelming. When I was in Calgary, the transit system was built out to the areas that people needed it most to accomodate them coming into the city to work. In Montreal, they added something like a dozen or more stops to the two added in Toronto (and this was from an article in the paper almost 20 years ago). In Mexico City, it is a huge labyrinth that ensures people (read tourists) can get all over to the museums and other places of interest safely and easily. In Toronto, 20 years plus after it was first brought up, these dumb mutha (&^%(*&^% are STILL bebating if they should extend into the second largest university in the GTA, whether they should extend into the second largest community of Toronto, whether they should extend links into Missassauga to the west, York region to the North and Durham region to the east, even though the GO transit system clearly shows it is needed. They have wasted so much money talking that the damn system could have been extended by now with interest!!

We need to reduce the executive overhead of the TTC and get people in there that understand what the damn system needs. You need to raise the cost by a quarter? Bloody do it. Forget everyone's bitching because if they could afford to drive in and pay thirty bucks a day to park downtown, they would be doing so now rather than riding the crappy TTC system. The TTC needs money to make these projects live. Just, for the love of mikes, Do IT!!!


Anonymous said...

Out here in BF Everett personal space is well respected by everyone.

There is lots of space frankly because there are less.....


People SUCK!!!

Dtrini said...

Redsometimes - I don't envy your commute in. I really doubt I would ever be comfortable doing it. It really drives me nuts how inconsiderate people are.

Famine - I offer a public apology to you, your wife, the boys and your folks. I will attempt to stop calling it BF Everett. You know that I really do like it out there. Unfortunately, too much ties us in the city to be able to move in that direction. I think we would only ever be free if we move out of province. Ah but to dream.

wizdom said...

what do you mean apologize for BF... what the heck do we call it then... BP (pat) BRG (rub gently) BC (cuddle) BHFE (hugs for everyone)

Everett is what it is (lovely place with great people in the middle of...) ... I will have to have a talk with man with lil car ;)

wizdom said...

what do you mean apologize for BF... what the heck do we call it then... BP (pat) BRG (rub gently) BC (cuddle) BHFE (hugs for everyone)

Everett is what it is (lovely place with great people in the middle of...) ... I will have to have a talk with man with lil car ;)

Dtrini said...

Hmm, maybe this is a new contest, rename BF Everett to something else.

My submissions are BKYJ (KY Jelly), B2B (to butt), BC (crack), BH (hole), BL (licker) and BM (munch or movement depending on feelings that day).

wizdom said...


that sounds really