Thursday, August 03, 2006

Mel the Passion of the Internet

An interesting assortment of references to the expected fallout in all of this Mel Gibson business. To be honest, I haven't paid a whole lot of attention to it. The funny thing is, if you ask my family (the Jewish side), they will tell you that they simply did not understand what the big fuss was about; certain Jews of the time killed Jesus Christ, it is an historical fact.

What I find truly funny is that everyone, everywhere is making a huge fuss about about one man says during a drunken outburst after being stopped, and probably feeling like shit knowing he was going to be charged with DUI. America, you all really need better things to do as you obviously have way too much time on your hands. How about you spend some time cleaning up the daily, insidious comments across your great nation. How about the daily comments made against Black, Latinos, Asians, Native Indians, and anyone else not of an Anglo Saxon nature?

Right, too hard, too much, and no one really cares about those anyhow. We understand.

CANOE -- JAM! - Mel the Passion of the Internet

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