Friday, April 22, 2005

I cannot wait for the details...

So, it seems that justice may be "served" afterall. I concede that it is a bad pun, in light of one of my and DW's favourite fast food joint's woes, but it does "ring" true. Ouch.

The problem continues in the United States that they are too bloody sue happy down there. There are far too many slimy lawyers (yes, that can be redundant) who are in it only for the fast buck and will sue if you look too harshly for too long at someone. unfortunately, that mentality has started to slip more and more into Canada. One can only hope that common sense, and real truth, will win out.

I want to know the details on this case because it lends a light on several other cases going on in the States right now; MJ's at the top of the list. The boy's mother seems to have the same litigous traits. If it turns out she is lying, I hope they string he ass through the same hell that they are doing to MJ now.

That said, if the little freaky bitch is guilty, then MJ or not, I have only one punishment for that kind of sick perversion; waste his ass. Thankfully, he is in California, so the possibility (legally or not) is there.

CANOE -- CNEWS - Weird News: Woman in Wendy's case arrested

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