Monday, April 04, 2005

They say...

... when life hands you lemons, make lemonade. Ok, so what happens if you go to make lemonade and there is no sugar, and the water is dirty and the lemons are the sourest on the planet? Alright, I am a bit whiny today. I guess it is the fallout of looking back and realizing just where one went wrong to arrive at one's current location. I hate to complain because I am the first to admit that it has been a good ride, a wild one at times but one with more ups than downs. My only regret I guess is a failure to priortize properly and to recognize that certain things had less significance than I gave them.

Ah well, woe is me. In the meantime, I ave to find a way to right the good ship with the DW and to sail on off into the sunset without taking on too much more water.

This is life eh? Well, right now it kinda sucks lemons.


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