Friday, February 03, 2006

Exams are done.

TC has finished her exams. She had Math, Religion, French and Geography, in that order, to finish off her first semester in Grade Nine. Her emotions were, in order, dang, yippee, yippee, yay. Math is the odd horse out and the reason for that is a long sordid story I would rather not get into right now. Suffice it to say that there are people on my permanent shit list that I may one day visit if I ever pass through Hades during my afterlife. Ahem, I digress.

Anyhow, we knew that math was going to be an issue so she is already resigned to the fact that there will eb summer school to raise her mark and fundamental understanding. Next semester will be bringing English, Science, Gym and either Music or Drama. She signed up for music but would liek to switch to drama as the ham in all of us is emerging. We have to wait to see if they are able to allow the switch though.

All in all though, we have to say that TC did better than we first expected. We still have to help her get more organized and focussed but we really cannot complain with the results so far.

At least she does not hate school.


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