Tuesday, May 31, 2005

One's heart goes out to the parents and to the little girl.

Those of us who have been blessed to have offspring or have family have offspring know that the prayer/wish is always the same; a healthy baby with ten fingers and ten toes and no issues. As we all know too well, more and more it happens that this does not happen. While modern medecine and science have remarkable cures and procedures to compensate and/or correct these ailments, there are some things that only nature has control off and we are left doing the best we can.

This sad story of this little girl, born with something I had neevr heard of till now, is one such ailment where only so much can be done. It hurts to think about it, but one has to wonder if the quality of life and the pain of it all is fair to this innocent child and her parents. Yes, as a non-practising RC I believe that all life is sacred. That said, I also think that there are limits and we do not always need to play God for the sake of saying we can. Sometimes, something is meant to die and we should just let it happen.

Does it apply in this case? I must admit it crossed my mind. Then I looked at that little face and the face of her parents and wondered who was I to make that choice? I don't know enough and I am not part of the equation. It is up to her parents and her doctors. I simply wish her the best of luck and my prayers go with them all.


Peru's 'Mermaid' Baby Ready for Surgery - Yahoo! News

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