Friday, April 07, 2006

Digital Home Canada - Buying an HDTV: Five things to consider

Thinking about buying a new TV? You better hold that thought and understand what is coming forward. Our current viewing system is being phased out. High Definition will soon no longer be a buzz word, but what is the accepted default when one says one is "watching TV". Further to that though, and this is where it gets expensive, the technology used to view this new TV will mean all your old equipment will soon be landfill trash as they won't be able to support the signals and copy protection of the next generation TV broadcasts and Digital Discs (i.e. Blu-Ray, HD-DVD, both or (if they get a clue) some combination of both into a single, industry-wide standard). This article will help you get started on your journey into the future.


Digital Home Canada - Buying an HDTV: Five things to consider

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